If you’re struggling with procrastination and laziness in your life…
There is actually a pretty simple formula you can follow in order to start being more motivated.
- You’ll be more focused,
- More organized,
- More motivated to do things,
- And you’ll actually be able to achieve your goals.
Regardless of how much you’ve procrastinated in the past…
When you follow these 4 simple steps, you’ll have successfully found out what it takes to stop procrastinating and be more motivated today.
How it works: This is based on having a deep understanding of human psychology and playing within your existing drivers of human behavior. When you are hungry, you eat. When you are tired, you sleep. When you’re in pain, you move away from it. These are just some of the 16 drivers of human behavior. When you learn what they are, you can work within them and motivation becomes a breeze.
Step 1 – Set a Very Clear & Specific Outcome for Yourself
This is exactly what life will be like when you are done with your work.
- You’ve already lost that weight
- You’re already in your dream relationship.
- You’ve already built that business.
- You’ve already published that book.
- You’ve already traveled the world.
While most people who procrastinate on things list vague concepts that are two-dimensional, the secret to success is to transform your goals into a 3-Dimensional reality.
Close your eyes and visualize what life would be like as if you already achieved your goal right now. What would you see? What would you hear? What would you feel when you already have it?
The more specific you are, the better. I want to invest in 14 businesses and start 5 of my own, earning a total of $23.8 Million by August 28th 2023. Is more specific than “I want to make more money”.
But you should get more specific than that.
In my book Deconstructing Motivation, I talk about this concept as setting a destination on a map before embarking on a road trip across the country. Before you can get there, you have to know exactly where “There” is.

Step 2 – Break Your Goal Down Into Smaller Chunks
Another reason why you procrastinate is because you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin.
Imagine that you’re building a little village out of LEGO blocks.
In this village, you have:
- A fire department,
- A police station,
- A post office,
- A grocery store,
- Your home, and
- A few other things
If the LEGO village represents your larger goal of writing a book for example, each element of the village consists of the major tasks you have to complete.
For writing a book, you’ll have to:
- Design the cover,
- Write the chapters,
- Edit the chapters,
- Publish the book,
- Market and sell the book
So in order to construct this village, you need to make sure each and every piece is assembled correctly.
Most people think about all the things they have to do, so they feel overwhelmed and never get started in the first place.
They suffer from Analysis Paralysis.
Step 3 – Break Things Down into The Now Step
While you could choose to be overwhelmed by never deciding on which element of the village to build first…
You’ll soon realize that it’s better to get started somewhere and start placing the first LEGO blocks on the ground.
You decide to build the police station.
In order to build the police station, you have 100 different little LEGO blocks you have to assemble before this building is constructed.
So if you want to get in better shape, you can place diet and nutrition aside for a moment and focus on the one muscle group you can work out at the gym.
Perhaps on the next day of the gym, you choose to work out your shoulders and your back.
From there, you have to lay down the first LEGO block first.
This LEGO block is representative of the one very specific thing you can do right now in order to move you forward with achieving your goals.
In my Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training program, we call this chunking up and chunking down in order to find clarity in your direction, provide certainty that you’re taking steps now that will eventually lead you to your goals, and you won’t waste time in the process.
So for the gym analogy, the very first step you take is to go to the gym and do some bicep curls.
Can you see how you begin with the end goal in mind and slowly work your way back from there?
Many people are stuck looking forward and never follow this time-tested path to really get the mental focus they need in order to get anything done.
It feels great knowing exactly what you need to do now, without any distractions in mind.
But the most important thing is to actually be doing it.
When Procrastinating is a Thing of the Past
Utilizing these techniques, I build a digital magazine publishing company up to 1.3 million readers, lost 50 pounds in six months, and adopted an all-plant-based diet without struggling to do so.
I have since started a coaching practice where I’ve utilized this formula to help motivated hundreds of other people to achieve all different goals in their life.
I published a book called Deconstructing Motivation: How to Effortlessly Motivate Yourself to Do Anything in Life where I just gave you the straight-forward best points of the book in this blog post right here.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to motivate yourself and accomplish your goals, you can get the first 3 chapters for free right here.